Government of India

CUP-19: COVID Urban Practices : Innovation / Initiative

A Glimpse of Initiative

Relocation of all scattered market to one designed place in the city

State/UT Name : Jharkhand

Place : Seraikela Nagar Panchayat, Jharkhand

Type of Initiative : Sanitation

Date of Initiative : 06-04-2020

What Initiative Were Taken? : Relocation of all scattered market to one designed place in the city

Details : Seraikella Nagar Panchayat is small and densely populated city of Jharkhand which is spread into small area of 1sq. km. Thus to maintain the social distancing rule is challenging situation for the ULB and city. There are approximately nine (9) vegetable, meat, fruit market (perishable items) scattered in the centre of the city, sometimes creating jam-packed situation. Sariekela Nagar Panchayat (including city managers and other ulb staff) has taken the initiative for relocation of all scatter markets into one place and provided one designated market place for ease of all facilities. The designated market place is now located in the outskirt of the city i.e. Haattandi (approximately 1Km .)

Outcome : With lot of challenge faced by ULB to maintain the social distance and imposing the lockdown, this initiative is going smoothly and successfully implemented in the city. Because of small area of the city, the population is densely located in the core area and all the small/big markets were widely scattered before the situation.ULB prepared a thematic plan for relocation all the markets to the outskirt of city in a comparatively bigger area. Now every shop/selling place is located at a distance of 15ft and people are also maintaining a social distance of 2m. At present there are approximately 75 no of selling place/shop place are operational. The market is open daily at 6:00 am to 2:00 pm.